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Lanes Dsh DSH exam components

DSH exam components - oral and written parts

DSH exam components: The DSH examination consists of two parts, an oral and a written examination. The written exam lasts about four hours and can be divided into three parts: Listening comprehension, reading comprehension and text production. Our preparation courses for all DSH examination parts take place three weeks before the DSH exam in Duisburg - Essen and are aimed at learning for experienced students.

Listening and reading comprehension

In listening comprehension, students should show that they can follow lectures and understand seminars. An integral part of listening comprehension is taking notes and answering questions relating to what has been heard. Summary The content is more important than the language. In reading comprehension, students demonstrate their ability to understand and edit scientific texts. They work on questions about the text, its structure and outline. They also look for suitable headings for text sections. The content is more important than the language.

In another part of reading comprehension, students perform grammatical transformations, this part is called scientific linguistic structures. Language is more important than content.

Text production and The DSH oral exam

In text production, students write their own text on a topic from science or study. A graphic or a diagram, sometimes also a quotation, is given. Using this information, the students describe the facts in their text. Then they evaluate, argue, compare and comment on it. Here the language is more important than the content.

The oral exam lasts about 40 minutes, 20 minutes of which belong to the preparation time. At the beginning of the exam you will receive a diagram, a diagram or a short text and can prepare yourself in silence.

In the first five minutes of the interview, you will briefly describe this task and explain what you have understood from the text. This is followed by an interview or further questions from the individual examiners. A large role in the oral examination plays above all the linguistic correctness, the vocabulary, the phrasing means as well as the pronunciation, but also the discussion behavior, thus the communication with the examiners and the compensation strategies with problems.


Vormittag: Montag bis Freitag von 08:30 - 12:30
Nachmittag: Montag bis Freitag von 13:30 - 17:30
Abend: Montag bis Freitag von 17:35 - 20:50


Duisburg I Düsseldorf

Gebühren pro Stufe

450 €, zzgl. einmaliger Anmeldegebühr in Höhe von 80 €



8 Wochen à ca. 200 UE pro Stufe


25 Unterrichtseinheiten pro Woche (montags bis freitags, 5 Unterrichtsstunden pro Tag)


5 Niveaustufen: A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 +
telc C1 HS Vorbereitung und DSH-Vorbereitung

bamf Telc 1 Telc 2 iso 9001

About L.A.N.E.S

L.A.N.E.S is one of the largest telc testing providers in North Rhine-Westphalia, with more than 2000 participants every year. LANES conducts university entrance examinations several times a month at a total of 2 exam centres (Duisburg and Düsseldorf).

L.A.N.E.S Duisburg


Bismarckstr. 142 a Etage 1

47057 Duisburg, Germany

+49 203 306 175 0
+49 203 395 8839 53

L.A.N.E.S Düsseldorf

Immermannstraße 11 Etage 3

40210 Düsseldorf, Germany

+49 211 924 175 92
+49 203 395 8839 53

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