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Lanes Dsh Dsh Vorbereitung

DSH preparation - University entrance examination

DSH preparation

Our DSH preparation in Duisburg - Essen and Düsselorf takes place embedded in the regular C1 course. In contrast to a pure DSH crash course, which leads to a higher probability of error and usually does not reflect an actual C1 level, this method has proven itself for the following reasons:

The participants can learn the vocabulary which is relevant for the C1 level and get to know and use the means of speech which they need at work or at university as well as in the exam. Furthermore, they will practice and consolidate the grammar at level C1, which is also required in the scientific language structures of the university entrance examination DSH. In addition, the writing of discussions on statistics and diagrams or quotations from texts is practiced. Written expression is important for writing homework and theses, but also for writing business plans and presentations. Participants have two months to train their skills in the course. They also have time to deepen what they have learned through self-study.

DSH preparation Format

Of course, the participants get to know the DSH format and train it by working on sample excerpts from DSH tests.

We use our established reader in the DSH preparation with which the participants train the skills reading, scientific language structures, listening, writing and speaking. This is done on the basis of various specialist topics, such as technology, biology, medicine, linguistics or history.

The embedding of format training in an active teaching process means that the C1 level can actually be reached, maintained more sustainably and can also be applied in everyday (university) life.

Sustainability and integration into everyday (work and university) life correspond to our concept of successful learning.

Another important point is that the chances of passing the DSH exam are higher with a real C1 level.


Vormittag: Montag bis Freitag von 08:30 - 12:30
Nachmittag: Montag bis Freitag von 13:30 - 17:30
Abend: Montag bis Freitag von 17:35 - 20:50


Duisburg I Düsseldorf

Gebühren pro Stufe

450 €, zzgl. einmaliger Anmeldegebühr in Höhe von 80 €



8 Wochen à ca. 200 UE pro Stufe


25 Unterrichtseinheiten pro Woche (montags bis freitags, 5 Unterrichtsstunden pro Tag)


5 Niveaustufen: A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 +
telc C1 HS Vorbereitung und DSH-Vorbereitung

bamf Telc 1 Telc 2 iso 9001

About L.A.N.E.S

L.A.N.E.S is one of the largest telc testing providers in North Rhine-Westphalia, with more than 2000 participants every year. LANES conducts university entrance examinations several times a month at a total of 2 exam centres (Duisburg and Düsseldorf).

L.A.N.E.S Duisburg


Bismarckstr. 142 a Etage 1

47057 Duisburg, Germany

+49 203 306 175 0
+49 203 395 8839 53

L.A.N.E.S Düsseldorf

Immermannstraße 11 Etage 3

40210 Düsseldorf, Germany

+49 211 924 175 92
+49 203 395 8839 53

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