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G-course - Study college


What's an G-course?

The G-course Study college is a Studienkolleg course aimed at students who are interested in studying humanities, art or social sciences at a German university. The contents of the course depend on the contents of the courses in these areas. The course prepares students for the following courses of study: Music science, sociology, law, cultural studies as well as various languages, literature and linguistics. Please contact your university to find out whether the S/G-course is recognised as a prerequisite for your degree programme. Please contact us if you have any questions! We will be happy to advise you.

How is the G-course structured?

The G-course lasts a total of ten months. Participants will be prepared for the Feststellungsprüfung with a focus on the humanities and arts. The final exam provides students with all the necessary prerequisites for studying at a German university. The S/G-course comprises 32 hours per week. Each lesson lasts 45 minutes.

Final examination

At the end of the S/G-course your acquired knowledge will be tested in a final examination. The final examination consists of a written and an oral part. The written exam takes place in the subjects German, Social Sciences and History. The written examinations in the subjects German, Social Sciences and History each last 180 minutes (three hours). The written examination in German lasts 240 minutes (four hours). The oral examination examines your knowledge of German literature. You will be given 30 minutes to prepare for the exam. The examination itself lasts 20 minutes.

Admission procedure

In order to participate in the Studienkolleg, you must submit an application. Once the application has been reviewed and the fee has been paid, a place in the S/G-course at the Studienkolleg is guaranteed and you can attend classes at the earliest possible date. Since places are limited, it is advisable to apply in good time. Please contact us for further information.


Vormittag: Montag bis Freitag von 08:30 - 12:30
Nachmittag: Montag bis Freitag von 13:30 - 17:30
Abend: Montag bis Freitag von 17:35 - 20:50


Duisburg I Düsseldorf

Gebühren pro Stufe

450 €, zzgl. einmaliger Anmeldegebühr in Höhe von 80 €


03.09.2018 – 26.10.2018
05.11.2018 – 21.12.2018
07.01.2019 – 26.02.2019
04.03.2019 – 26.04.2019
06.05.2019 – 29.06.2019


8 Wochen à ca. 200 UE pro Stufe


25 Unterrichtseinheiten pro Woche (montags bis freitags, 5 Unterrichtsstunden pro Tag)


5 Niveaustufen: A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 +
telc C1 HS Vorbereitung und DSH-Vorbereitung

bamf Telc 1 Telc 2 iso 9001

About L.A.N.E.S

L.A.N.E.S is one of the largest telc testing providers in North Rhine-Westphalia, with more than 2000 participants every year. LANES conducts university entrance examinations several times a month at a total of 2 exam centres (Duisburg and Düsseldorf).

L.A.N.E.S Duisburg


Bismarckstr. 142 a Etage 1

47057 Duisburg, Germany

+49 203 306 175 0
+49 203 395 8839 53

L.A.N.E.S Düsseldorf

Immermannstraße 11 Etage 3

40210 Düsseldorf, Germany

+49 211 924 175 92
+49 203 395 8839 53

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