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Lanes Dsh

German Language Test (DSH)

German Language Test (DSH)

What is DSH?

German Language Test "DSH": "The abbreviation "DSH" stands for "Deutsche Sprachprüfung für den Hochschulzugang" - "German Language Test for the Admission of Foreign Study Applicants" (DSH). With this language examination in Duisburg - Essen and Düsseldorf, foreign students who have not taken the Abitur in Germany have to prove that they have sufficient German language skills to study at a German university or university of applied sciences.

The rule for taking the language examination for admission to higher education even applies to Germans who have not taken the Abitur in Germany. Many universities and universities of applied sciences throughout Germany offer DSH examinations for internal and external students several times a year.

Framework of the German Language Test DSH

Since 2014, there has been a basic framework at all universities according to which the examination must be carried out.

The overall result of the DSH is given in three levels (DSH 1 to DSH 3).

• DSH-1, if at least 57% of the requirements were fulfilled in both the written and the oral examination.

• DSH-2, if 67% were fulfilled.

• DSH-3 if 82% of the requirements were met.

At level DSH 1 of the German Language Test, enrolment can be combined with attending further language courses and a new examination; without further requirements, it is usually sufficient only for enrolment in bilingual (e.g. English-German) study programmes. For the majority of study programmes at German-speaking universities, level DSH 2 of German Language Test is required; DSH 3 is only required for studies in human medicine or dentistry and for some other study programmes with increased language requirements.

In admission procedures, the levels are evaluated in analogy to the levels TDN-3 to TDN-5 of the TestDaF (Test Deutsch als Fremdsprache), which determine a language level between B2 and C2 according to CEFR.

Other equivalent degrees are:

• The German Language Diploma, Level II of the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the Länder in the Federal Republic of Germany

• The telc Deutsch C1 University Certificate

• The certificate of passing the Goethe-Institut's upper level examination

• The "Small German Language Diploma" and the "Large German Language Diploma" of the Goethe-Institut

How each university organises and conducts the examination in detail can be read on the corresponding pages of the universities.

The examination is always subject to a fee. The universities recommend attending a preparatory course.

We offer various German language courses which serve as preparation for the German language examination for the admission of foreign applicants to higher education. These courses are divided into five different levels: A1-A2-B1-B2-C1. Further information can be found on our website.


Vormittag: Montag bis Freitag von 08:30 - 12:30
Nachmittag: Montag bis Freitag von 13:30 - 17:30
Abend: Montag bis Freitag von 17:35 - 20:50


Duisburg I Düsseldorf

Gebühren pro Stufe

450 €, zzgl. einmaliger Anmeldegebühr in Höhe von 80 €



8 Wochen à ca. 200 UE pro Stufe


25 Unterrichtseinheiten pro Woche (montags bis freitags, 5 Unterrichtsstunden pro Tag)


5 Niveaustufen: A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 +
telc C1 HS Vorbereitung und DSH-Vorbereitung

bamf Telc 1 Telc 2 iso 9001

About L.A.N.E.S

L.A.N.E.S is one of the largest telc testing providers in North Rhine-Westphalia, with more than 2000 participants every year. LANES conducts university entrance examinations several times a month at a total of 2 exam centres (Duisburg and Düsseldorf).

L.A.N.E.S Duisburg


Bismarckstr. 142 a Etage 1

47057 Duisburg, Germany

+49 203 306 175 0
+49 203 395 8839 53

L.A.N.E.S Düsseldorf

Immermannstraße 11 Etage 3

40210 Düsseldorf, Germany

+49 211 924 175 92
+49 203 395 8839 53

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